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Moscow metro & Old Arbat

Hotel photos Moscow metro & Old Arbat
Hotel photos Moscow metro & Old Arbat
Hotel photos Moscow metro & Old Arbat
Hotel photos Moscow metro & Old Arbat

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On foot
Low Season: October – April
High Season: May – September
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Duration: 3 hours
The Arbat located between Arbatskie Vorota Square and Smolenskaya Square is one of the most famous streets in Moscow. The Arbat is also one of the symbols of old Moscow, which was celebrated in poems, novels, songs and movies. Nowadays the Arbat is the name of the pedestrian street, but actually the Arbat is the whole district of Moscow that marked its 500th birthday in 1993.
In the second part of the tour you will get aquainted with Moscow metro.
Soon after the opening, the metro became the inseparable part of Moscow. Some stations are designed by outstanding Soviet architects. Among them was A. Shchusev, the author of the Mausoleum in Moscow. The grand stations looked like palaces.
Nowadays Moscow metro takes the first place in functioning capacity in the world. The general length of the metro is over 265 kilometers, and since early morning till late night 170 stations function.

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